Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Party with the Best in Texas

Oftentimes I write for a music magazine called Best in Texas. The company that publishes the magazine is celebrating 30 years, and I just returned from their little celebratory shindig down in Houston.

It was so nice to meet the people I have been working with for a while now. And, isn't the Texas music scene so much fun? It's like a whole 'nother world - seriously. I really enjoyed meeting Jason Allen of the Jason Allen Band. Super nice guy.

For the latest issue of the magazine, my story is on Trent Summar and The New Row Mob. Through May, it can be read here. And, perhaps more permanently, it can be read here.

1 comment:

El Jefe Maximo said...

"Horseshoes and Hand Grenades" is part of one of my all-time favorte sayings, as in "Close only counts with..."

"Smash rock country" sounds kind of interesting.