Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fantastic Weekend

Oh, wow! What a fantastic weekend! I just dropped my friend Erin off at the airport so she can head back to San Diego, and all the fun we had is just now starting to really sink in for me.
On Friday, I hosted Game Night at my house. The game we played the most was Scattergories. It was great because people started getting really competitive, and it was hilarious to watch everyone trying to get as many points as they could. It was so loud with everyone arguing their cases that you couldn't hear any one person speaking - it was a blast!!
Saturday, Erin and I went shopping at the mall and at By George and found some fantastic items. Then, we checked out the Boiling Pot because I had a gift certificate there I wanted to use. It was definitely not something either one of us would have initiated on our own, but it turned out to be pretty cool. Erin particularly liked whacking the crab claws with the mallet! ;)
Saturday night there was a party at my friend Volel's house. We had a little bit of dancing, a lot of really nice and fun people ... We stayed until almost 4 a.m., which is very uncharacteristic of me, and then, Erin and I came back to the house and watched Meet the Fockers until we crashed around-about sunrise. Fun, fun, fun. Needless to say, we slept in a little bit this morning. Then, we took a trip over to Double Dave's since San Diego sadly is lacking in one of our favorite blasts from the pasts - pizza rolls.
I am really glad we had such a great weekend together. I should have some pictures e-mailed to me soon that I can post from the Saturday night party. No Twister pictures from Game Night, though! ;)

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