Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Infringement on Aggie 12th Man Trademark

** I checked the Seattle newspaper this morning to see what they were saying about this whole thing. Apparently, they think the A&M Athletic Department must be in need of money and so they are encouraging their fans to mail in 12 cent donations. At first, I was offended, but then I laughed. Hey - we'll accept 60 cents for a free Coke.
You'll also find we are winning the poll below quite handily. Not that it will matter in court, where we should win anyway, but why not take it for kicks?
* I just found out that my sister-in-law works for the lawyer representing A&M in this case.
You may or may not have heard that the Seattle Seahawks are infringing on Texas A&M University's trademarked expression of the "Twelfth Man." A&M is close to pursuing legal action against them for the blatant violation.
A&M's "12th Man" tradition started in 1922 when student E. King Gill was called from the stands to suit up for the injury-plagued Aggie football team. Gill never played, but the Aggies won the game. The tradition evolved, and now all Aggie fans stand for entire games, symbolizing their willingness to join the team if called upon. When the Aggies join arms and sway in unison to the school song, they cause Kyle Field literally to shake.

Just for fun, us Aggies are sharing our opinion on a Seattle
poll so they can be very clear where tens of thousands of us stand - right next to our teammates.


justcarl said...

As soon as Seattle won their division, I heard them referring to their '12th man'. Apparently they've been doing this for years. I remember thinking then, there was some infringement issues taking place. It later was revealed that A&M had taken on two other pro teams concerning the very same issue and won. I don't recall those teams at the moment. A couple days ago, a Seattle fan was asked their opinion. He said teams all over the country have a '12th man' and suggested Seattle use the phrase '11+1'.

El Jefe Maximo said...

Good luck to the Aggies. I've always envied ya'll your traditions, particularly bonfire, and the 12th man thing. I'll never forget my incognitio appearance at an Aggie bonfire. (A T-sip at bonfire ! Mon Dieu et Sacre bleu !).

Hard for an amateur military historian to forget that the man who commanded the Rangers who captured Pointe-du-Hoc in Normandy, on 6 June 1944, Lieut.-Col. James Earl Rudder, was an Aggie (Class of 1932).

berly02 said...

Did I tell you that?

Candidly Caroline said...

I am the all-seeking, all-understanding, all-knowing Caroline.

You didn't have to tell me! ;)

justcarl said...

Oh boy!! Here we go. A nomination for UA40 and look what happens... 'all-seeking, all-understanding, all-knowing'....

Of course, you already 'know' I'm just teasing you, right? ;)